Psychotherapeutic Counselling & Coaching

be who you were meant to be

From fear to love…

Considering asking for support or entering into any kind of self-development work is a significant step for anyone. It can bring up lots of feelings. However you feel is OK. I am here to support you. Making this choice for yourself is a powerful sign that you are ready for more. You are ready to feel better. You are ready to feel fulfilled, content and confident.

Research tells us that meeting someone in a safe space of non-judgement creates significant change. We feel seen, heard and accepted, and this allows us to show up as who we were always meant to be, before we learned all the (at the time) helpful survival techniques we needed to move through life with all it’s ups and downs. We learned to use what we had available to us at the time, and now we can learn differently, with all the extra resources we have now.

Learning how to feel emotionally safe and how to show up authentically requires compassion, commitment and vulnerability, but the pay off is immeasurable. You get to show up as your most fulfilled and empowered self, and grow your relationships from a place of strength and acceptance.

I invite you to explore the rest of this space using the links at the top of the page or below to find out more about me and how I can support you.

You’ve got this.

work with me

Clarity, Compassion and Confidence

Psychotherapeutic Counselling

A safe space for you to explore whatever is troubling you, with someone who won’t judge you and will support you in healing the past and setting up more nourishing patterns for the future. Learn more


Helping you create the future you want, in a way that feels graceful and peaceful. A strong container for growth and development which can be combined with counselling for an holistic approach. Learn more

client appreciation

What I realise now is that I am most in tune with the world when I am in tune with MYSELF. Whenever I listen to my intuition I know how I truly, deeply, authentically feel about something. It’s powerful stuff!

So just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for what you do, for your work and for being so AWESOME!

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Thank you for opening the door of a new life chapter and leading me through from the dark in to the light and hope.

You are a remarkable lady with a big warm heart and I am forever grateful for all your help.

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On the Blog

Teach only love

Teach only love

I had this quote printed and framed to hang in my kitchen. It means I get to read it many times a day.I'm also getting plenty of opportunities to learn what it means and practice it.For those who don't know, I'm currently in a year long ministerial training based on...

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Being supportive

Being supportive

I often talk to clients about the difference between enabling and supporting loved ones. I've had to learn this lesson myself, many times.We cannot take responsibility for anyone other than ourselves. We must learn to trust the ones we love to do what is best for...

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It takes a village

It takes a village

I've counselled enough immigrant parents over the years to have learned that the phrase 'it takes a village' could not be more accurate.I moved to Portugal to find my own village. Despite being very happy in splendid isolation in the middle of the Welsh hills, I think...

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